A personal message to prospective clients:

It would be an honour to work with you, if you think and feel that we would be a good fit (we can decide this after an initial meeting together). I’m here to listen and here to help, with what you’d most like to discuss right now and down the road. Along the way, this work might lead to thinking more clearly, feeling better and stronger, taking important steps in finding and making your way in the world, having greater self-acceptance and intimacy with others, and finding your own sense of purpose and meaning.

For me, it is an incredible privilege to be there with and beside you, as a fellow traveller, and to offer help, informed by the best evidence and experience, in working through what matters most at this time on your life path. We live in a rapidly changing world, much of which is almost unrecognizable to our elderly relatives. Yet one of the oldest approaches to healing—a therapeutic relationship, where for a limited time, one person is solely focused on the growth and well-being of the other—remains one of the most potentially profound and powerful anywhere on the planet. Both leading-edge science and longstanding wisdom tell us this is so because we’re built and meant to connect, share and assist others, but we sometimes forget this truth as things move at the speed of life.

I am proud to work with people who have chosen counselling and therapy to help them solve and resolve what they are facing in their lives, and to live more fully as who they truly are.

Over the past several decades, I have been blessed to have learned the art and science of therapy from some of the best teachers and supervisors anywhere, many of whom happened to have lived and worked where I do, right here in Winnipeg (how cool was that!), including my mentors past and present from the Clinical Psychology Training Program at the University of Manitoba. I hope to honour them (and what they taught me) by offering the best I can to those who are seeking care and psychotherapy (the root words of “psychotherapy” can be translated as “healing for the spirit” or “service for the suffering soul”).

Important information:

I’m lucky to be working under the supervision of Dr. Teresa Sztaba, C. Psych., and Dr. Bruce Tefft, C. Psych., while I complete my professional certification and registration as a psychologist (C. Psych.) with the Psychological Association of Manitoba (PAM), the provincial regulatory body that ensures the practice of psychology serves the public in the best ways possible. With their collaboration and guidance, I will offer you the most effective supports for your goals and wishes, hopes and dreams. I may also invite you to complete regular check-in reports (also confidential) about how you are feeling, and how you think things are progressing in our therapeutic alliance.



Rob Santos, Ph.D., C. Psych. Candidate

Issues Addressed

  • Anxiety and worry
  • Death and dying
  • Depression and sadness
  • Family-of-origin issues’
  • Grief and loss
  • Hopes and dreams
  • Life transitions
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Meaning and purpose
  • Parenting and family issues
  • Relationships -with others and with self
  • Spiritual issues and well-being
  • Stress and trauma
  • Work/school issues

Book an Appointment

As Dr. Santos works as an associate of Dr. Sztaba, Registered Psychologist, some of your fee may be reimbursed through your insurance plan. Check with your insurance provider for details.

For information about fees and insurance, please click here.

Contact Rob at 431-338-7878 or [email protected]